If you are so confident Pearl that your yoga teachers are certified and not just yoga practitioners then why don't you show it by putting it on your studios wall or on your webpage! But you don't have a webpage Pearl! Don't have a budget for a webpage? You're just pretending to be somebody you're not! You like to brag about your accomplishments and your success when in fact you haven't accomplished anything and you're not successful at anything! You're not even successful in any of the relationships you had! You're a failure Pearl! Failed as an entrepreneur, failed as a mother because you can't provide for your kids on your own and a failure in relationships! And if you're so successful then why are you still living with your parents and mooching from your parents? You haven't proven anything yet Pearl but there's one thing you've proven....that you're a failure! That's where you're good at and that's where you're certified! And this is the reason why you changed your studio's name again and that it's under new management, because you can't produce any certifications!