Levin, Riback Law Group, P.C. - Office Staff
16 years ago
On company
Category Complaint

I worked for this company for a few years. Everything was good until the office manager started doing her best to sabotage my work. At first me and this coworker got along great to the point that I considered her an office friend. If they dont like you for whatever reason they will act nice to you in the presence of the attorneys but when the attorneys are not present its another story. The office manager eventually got the other staff to start being rude to me. The office staff is extremely immature, gossipy and two face. These coworkers are what is now known as work bullies. I did eventually tell the partners what was going on but they didnt believe me because this coworker has been there longer than me and she put up a good front in front of them. However, I do think they did know what type of person she really was because she even admitted to me that one of the partners calls her a bit** for getting rid of people she doesnt like so I know she has done this to other previous employees. It really makes no sense for me to quit and lie on my coworkers all of a sudden after years of good work. If you work for them be prepared for extreme immaturity and gossip as well as eating lunch with your coworkers. Its an unwritten rule there. They like to say that they are like a family but what they really mean is they are more like a dysfunctional family.

Comments About Levin, Riback Law Group, P.C.

You should sniitch on the co-workers as well.
Apr 30 2008 10:38 AM
good thing you left that BS behind..time to move on to bigger and better things..good luck
Apr 30 2008 04:58 PM

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