Tim Seabrook - Go look at the face of a coward & bit**: https://www.facebook.com/EyezOnFire https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothy-seabrook-04a2b183

Certified C. I. Notebook carrying lil coward of a man. Man.. right? When he finally goes to prison, and they paper check him, will he or won’t he bit** up and PC? Snitch ain’t gunna snitch?! What haha. Oh he will. He loves his job. Since 2019!? Wow. Gj. Say they’re names.  Go Google him. And u will see a list of this car ring. His own buddy. He must have wanted to fu** a couple of his buddy’s because of course this is the kind of guy who is going to steal the cars he drives. And the id I see him. Well a punk is a punk ain’t he. 

Did you know …

He loves shooting up fetenal and he cuts it, and takes part in doing controlled buys?! Where do you find the time? Oh it’s the thing that you should be serving! Right ok. 

As part of a car theft rings. Part of a booster club. Which part? The RAT PART. 


He has bragged about getting big guys and lil ones. What a guy! Throwing the ones who can make it out, under the bus. Why? So his junkie as* can hustle cc’s and stolens freely and get paid like a who’re while they that got snitches on? I hope they make it out alive. And their families too. Tim doesn’t care. He thinks he should continue living. I dunno. You tell me! I don’t condone the asswhipping or catastrophic damage that might occur or might not occur now that the world knows he is a snitching snitch who snitches just to snitch and prolly come from a long line or LIARS (cia anyone) and sneetches who sneetch on snitches. Aka Tim “Twink” Seabrook. Aka Tim “haricari” Seabrook 

when u see a snitch. Slap a bit**. 

Don’t Google his sisters ok? u bet they would never try to hide their junk box diaper bag for off piss. Not my piss. String those 

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