Mendy lynn mckenzie - Narcissist psychopath
3 weeks ago
On person
Category Abuse

Mendy, Endy, Mendra, Mindy, mandy, Midnight queen, queenbeeb06 so many more personalities in there that she goes by. Like Jekyll and Hyde. With her one personality will do something and then that personality will leave and another one will step in and won't know what the other one just did and she'll think you're crazy when you say she did this or she said this or something but she don't even know that she stepped out for a minute and another one stepped in yeah I've seen it I've watched it I bet you there's over 10 or 15 personalities in her she's a narcissistic psychopath diagnosed and claims if she kills someone she'll get away with it because she's mentally insane. So if you know this person don't date this bit** because if you do you're so regret it believe me because you'll never know which one you're dating

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