John decammilis what can u say about this Louisville KY injury lawyer at 150 south third street decammilis an MATTLEY law injury law. This lawyer John decammilis is the most back stabbing excuse for criminal abuser he's been a active COURRUPT city of Louisville KY Police officer prior to his 25 year long kept SECERET now john poses to public an his personal conflict of crime partners other INURY lawyers like ATTONARY third party CRIMANL dishonest lawyer who works hand n hand with John GRAHM WHATLEY dirty law breaking injury lawyer as well local in Louisville KY as well as Robert f Smith who charges cash detainers on inury case that was allready file no fees was needed to collect for my case was already file ann activei court this attonary Robert frederick smith a family law attonary. From prospect KY solicited his services I was sueing the defended an at time of INURY stuck living there can't move I lost my job was. In a bad position unfair disadvantage of course the ideal witch is gonna be heard it will not be ignore it will not go over look it will be handle I'm doing my own law suit case Robert Frederick Smith charge me a detainer fee on a KY law an rules of court not allow on a injury. Case in KY no lawyer is allow to ever charge for his representation on ur injury case it unethical an out of professional miss conduct it violates the best interest of the client being the lawyer held to compassion. To client in INTERST of the lose they suffer the attonary held to consider the contingency pay based out of the respect the attonary held to by court rules the lawyer must be proactive must be product of. Must be rules of court OFFICAL entry to his interest in case who he OFFICAL representing best interest in the case an must announce to all OFFICAL party's involved in ur case failure to comply is multi further court rules violations period by the method ATTONARY Robert f Smith took show he was acting careful to hide all proof he was ever part of my inury case this attoanry has 40 plus years in law he enters past clients non stop entering. Cases amnlincieng. His entry an contact info an he takes my injury case he never announce his entry. To my case to prove he didn't he went 6 months collecting 350 dollars we recorded alot of it an every time I went to meet this knuckle head lawyer in prospect KY who works in lousiville KY this lawyer would meet same time every month. After some foot work an collecting. Alll the security log in copy's of sign in sheets an alot of red tape I pull off gathering the footage clips recordings showing us at law libary each month they release the mini clips clear to even four out of six clips show me handing Robert f Smith money audio one time got him saying yes IV been talking to the defended attoanry working on a setttlement. How ever after hearing that then two weeks ago learning. This lawyer a theif a lyer a lawyer according to PIROR recent reviews. Guys on he likes to grop his clients rub them girls up an down allways handz all over them an makeing comments calling them baby honey. Saying things like come on sweet cup cakes this is the kind of stuff clients have to deal with a lot out of all the louisville KY injury lawyers civil rights lawyers there all unprofessional they exploit law suits tell u a offer that not even clise to real amount. Offer is twice what ur injury lawyer in Louisville said they tell you like a ten thousand dollar lower amount offer then they pocket more than u even no they will say if the offer is 20 grand. They lie to u say it only five grand see u never see the real org check ok the client ALLWAYS gets there money on the law firm checking account it a check from law firm not the court order to pay see the client. Won't ever contact the defended after payed this is where the client should exactly do just that an they should ask defended to verfie how much there true offer was to see if it line up to what the THEIF as* injury lawyers all them in lousiville KY have been running. This scam so long. No telling how much money every one of these scum bag INURY law firms by doing this sh** I explain to you it the exzact thing made as u see it be hard to normally fig. This. Out cause the Louisville KY courts set the rules like this so no law suit gonna escape the courts getting there hands in on it an they make sure the org payment offer doesnt. Go right to the client hell no not haveing that no one could steel xommitt repeated explot then. If it was done right the rules would be that who ever offers settlement offer should one contact the lawyer an the client be contact. To in person. Not by message not by phone but party's meet client present to hear the offer period from the offering time not ur lawyer get to be trusted I can not trust no inury lawyer I don't fu***** care what they say. They don't care about he damn INURY they dont care about how ur doing are ur recovery going they are train car sales pitch line lyers lay down black maleing cut throat garbage I'll never in my life hire another slob as* injury lawyer an Louisville injury lawyers IV myself went to bat against them i have eye wittness to it to if they really was any count are good like they make up those emails addresses an then post perfect reviews all way down board go to john decammilis lou KY injury lawyer web site Decammlis.mattlay. Law firm web page stop by the blog section now if they go try hide it after I say it then I'll post it myself cause they are not covering up by deleteing it i have learn these trolls reach out to me we have work nite day we found about 8 victims from this law frm. They said John decammilis name people names as trustees on trust funds but never turn over the trust to trustee instead he makes. It appear as he name trustee see then he illegally keeps access to the trust fund an abuses funds to insure no one ever will dig it out thinking he's good. He such a brain dead dum as* for a injury lawyer john decammillis will announce trustee for account then illegally keep control of access to trust fund an will use his cousin a district family. Court judge stephine. Pearce burke. His cousin by marriage to John decammilis see yes this judge would be the guilty one who has abuse the trust of system access by iuseing it illegal way to target victims Thur system to lure them on to explot them steel all there funds then pull there civil rights an toss them over to the on board freedom adult day health care there one at 4511 BARDSTOWN road an another the. Old plasma center on crums Lane all human trafficking. Dept has to do is get off there non compliannt. As*** an go over to CRUMS lane an get footage showng all those traffic. People over here slave labor old plasma center on crums Lane that ALLSO now a FREDOM adult. Care center cover front for human sells past from legal district family court Jeff Clounty KY PERSILLA zungai is the main one tie into john. Decammilis injury lawyer ever one reads this please take five mins to report this to the doj. If we all together work together we can force jusitce to have no choice but to do it job we have to each take five mins to firward this to DOJ so we can clean it up in Louisville KY thank u for ur help an careing about ur home town enough to offer five mins to firward this to DOJ together our voice can't be silent don't be the next victim to John decammilis injury lou KY courrupt lawyer horrible person man check out you tube type in John decammilis listen to it ok give. Heads up. Stay away from injury lawyers in lou KY thank u