Decammilis an MATTLEY personal injury law 150 south t - Fed fraud waist was committed an om reporting on ur site of current on going. Fed fraud waist being committed. In Louisville KY being committed an VERFIED committed. Started back in 2007 my God an still on going this lawyer injury lawyer man he's beat his
9 months ago
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Category Complaint

Louisville Kentucky all efforts have fail I  have explain to every personal injury lawyer in Louisville KY an that no bullshit morgon n morgon ur a fu***** big comp with a big fake fu***** miss leading biest as* company morgon gets on TV talks about a story bout his fu***** brother witch more likely  don't even  have how no matter how small how big ur case might be when u been done wrong call the biggest toughest an best cause they care my as* hold y fat lieing peace of sh** dishonest COURRUPT   bastards morgon yoy tell ur panty wearing  law buddie in Louisville KY it only matter time he can't hide behind women his whole life john  decammilis u set out to start another bully attempt  ur fu***** as* can take all ur clients stolen. Money an panic like I did u rotten fu** face mother fuc*** if you think for two fu***** secs punk I'm gonna ever stop u started the sh** u lie on me u mother fuc*** u told nullshot lies u finding  had no bussness bit** launching it out siders bribe payed off help u went an u lie to my friends u offer them money ur private investagtor dude man let me catch u short S nig** I'm gonna put boots in ur fu***** rentacop mouth bit** fu** u john  see u as a lousiville cop an lawyer ur fu** up every nodt go to dark web that where all these offials are hidden there dirty from the public every body check out dark web that the place where all the internal crimes are being safe gaurded at an there wide open for the takein here in few I'm gonna take John decammilis file an ALLSO persilla zunga Richard green  berg Steven fry hidden pull sex crimes cases INCLUDEING child MOLISTING yes sir an dirty as* cave city KY Police dept trying.  To. Help this inury lawyer x LMPD COP John the one who call favor in to seventh DIVISON plus his black cop buddy from seventh div. See John I no his name to an I got recordings to John on ur as*** an I'm not holding back any longer consider it full all out lousiville KY civil rights repeat I'm reaching out to BLm I'm showing them where it ip show u said it it ur IP an that info pin to it bud u said u can't stand all these nigg*** in louisville an the white women who go black is even trasher  that fu** up John ur racist an the louisville. BLM will be getting the copy I beat u to bit** of where it reads. You crash Thur a young  black girls car killing her an how the local news media cover ur wrong up an with held public news the people was intitle to knowing we could file a civil law suit against local news media an easily win for them not following the proper guidelines by RCC BROAD CASTINNG SEE HOW THEY LIKE BEING LIVEONE MIN THEN CUT DEAD AIR. LOCAL LOUISVILLE NEWS UR FAKE FU** ALL LOUISVILLE LOCAL  FAKE AS* NEWS LOU KY FAKE AS* JUSTICE LMPD. RAPEING  15 YEAR OLD GIRLS AN THREATING PEOPLE THEY BE SET UP IF THEY SAY SH** FU** U LMPD.  FU** REALLY ILL SPIT IN UR GOD DAMN FACES AN TO THAT BEAN HEADED LIL  PUNK UNCLE TOM LOOKING BIT** FROM THE 7 LMPD FU** U AN FU** JOHN U BIT** U WILL BE LOOSIENG UR FU***** JOB U CALL OUT ONE MORE FAV PIG CAUSE IM PLAYING THE OBTAIN RECORDING AN DISPATCER AT  CAVE CITY POLICE SEPT KYY  SAID YUP SHE SURE DID HEAR. A fu** up. Conversations between Wesley Hicks an lou John buddie an IT was recorded an much thanks to the one official in cave city police dept KY thank u u are a true honest person an inhate  that ur surrounded by bunch of trash for cops girl get out there but  u check this post girl u no who u are u goty num I'll see u at our court date we gonna bust down walls this time John dek an his nig*** bit** the 7  gonna fill it tomm I got internal affairs I promise r u choice they will choose me when they see the heavy weight I have John dek will grab his tiny pee pee an run under a rock John I will follow to drag u right back out u will not escape again this time I made damn surenof it persilla I just up street from u bit** it personal cunt 

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