Make Wide Turns - Fruad
12 years ago
On company
Category Fraud

Make Wide Turns Danielle Bailey 2309 Calmont Dr Arlington, TX 76001 817-419-9681 817-461-0711 817-995-9797 866-943-3887 This has to be one of the worst recruiting agencies. I put my resume out to a company and these knuckleheads call me up promising me they got me an orientation setup. After about a week I had already turned down two other offers coming directly from trucking companies, and I call the recruiter Danielle Bailey and she keep telling me I am scheduled for orientation but the company, Celadon, is backed up. Anyways after 3 weeks I finally had enough. I ended up turning down 4 offers in total because of this woman Daniel Bailey. Luckily I just put out a new resume and Im headed to orientation this week. Dont even bother dealing with these guys they dont get anybody hired. I also talked to some recruiters who worked there and use to work there, they all say this lady has issues. She never pays out to her recruiters. She makes them do all the work and if she gets anyone hired after weeks waiting she keeps all the money. Also beware she also has a bagel shop in Arlington, Texas and everyone is trying to get her shut down.

Comments About Make Wide Turns

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Mar 31 2023 06:44 AM

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