Ryan Caswell - Woman Annihilater
3 years ago
On person
Category Abuse

I was his punching bag! I have suffered terrible and traumatic violence from this monster. He has changed my life in an awful and unspeakable way! He has punched me in the face, ripped my clothes of my body right before he tazed me with a tazer meant to subdue bears! He always beat me out of my sleep after he would come home enibriated and drunk! I would try to lock him out because I knew I might die that night. However he would bust down the entire door along with the frame around it! I was always in fear! I hope this can help the next woman he meets that will hopefully google his name and has a chance to save herself from the horrors Ive endured! He could potentially ki** the next victim this time. I want to save as many lives as I can!

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