Robyn Giardina - informant scottsdale PD
7 years ago
On person
Category Other

Working for Scottsdale. Mesa Tempe law inforcement. She has provided incredible insight for the arrest and conviction of known drug dealers

Comments About Robyn Giardina

Spiteful accusation made without any foundation
Oct 04 2016 03:41 PM
Andrew c Perkins wrote this about me cause he is mad that I won't take his threats on my life lightly and back down after he stole $400 dollars from me. He was desperate and low to do this and if anyone wants to repay the Gester please feel free but in no way am I a police informant I'm a mother of four married and live in fountain hills. This guy is white trash like no other and will rob you stay away from him his bad news and a physco
Oct 06 2016 02:29 AM

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