Reina Jean Navarrette - informant
13 years ago
On person
Category Gossip

In april 2009 reina snitched on her the married sugar daddy she had been mistress to, then fabricated a cover story to explain how her home could be visited by law enforcement without her also being arrested for violating her probation. She claimed that it was her previous lover (also married) who conspired to set up the sting along with someone she claimed to be buddies with her previous lover, but was in fact not. The arrested lover's wife claimed that arresting officers stated that the informant was Reina, and that she "squeeled like a pig" on the arrested. She then miraculously completed her diversion in an amazing 3 months. In may 2010 she somehow was never faced charges following her felony arrest for a felony warrant and felony posession. Some of those within her circle were arrested almost immediately following her incident. Coincidence? Maybe, but I doubt it... Reina appears to have a new case on calender... and with that law enforcement has a probable opportunity for inside information towards a successful bust! Charge and complaint unknown, but it will be interesting to see whether she beats the new charges or even be dropped... Hey Reina, how did you pay for those new and expensive complete set of dental implants? (Yes, this could be a far reaching speculation... about her teeth... )

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