Kroger - refund issues
15 years ago
On company
Category Complaint

Was in town for the rod runs. Had bought a few items. After returning them. Waited almost 10 minutes and was only customer in line. I received the refund finally. The manager finally gave me a refund. How hard is it to give a refund? They told me if you use coupons you can't return items. They just don't care anymore as long as they take your money. Pitiful. A lfew locals told me how businesses operate here. I sure wouldn't live this state. It's only worth visiting once in a while.

Comments About Kroger

Jerks do run the state. They almost always claim to be christians here. Far from it. Many two faced!
Sep 13 2008 06:02 PM
that is stupid.... if the item was 5.00 and you used a 1.00 off coupon then they should have been ok with refunding the 4.00 because they made .08 off of the handling of the coupon from the manufacturer.
Aug 27 2011 01:46 PM

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