Carolanne Gendusa Kocian - Con artist, Master manipulator, Fraudulent
1 year ago
On person
Category Abuse

She has lied, stolen, cheated, and abused anyone around her for many years, with gain and benifits as motive.

Men, women, kids, pets , churches she does not discriminate in who she chooses to hurt as long as she can cash in on the benifts she wanted from them

When a narcissist can’t control the way you see yourself, they start to control how others see you.

They’ll gossip about you, slander you, and create stories that depict you as the bad guy while they play the victim.

Oftentimes, they twist what you said or did rather than completely make something up. And when you react negatively, they will use your response to back up those lies.

If the narcissist has recently done something awful, they may lie in advance to discount what you might say before you even say it. That way, when you talk about what they did, you’ll be cut off by that whole “I already know”.

They may even intentionally abuse you so they can use your reactions as a way to prove that they are the “victims” of your abuse.


Your reputation may be irreparably damaged and there might not be anything you can do about it.

You may have trouble finding mutual friends, acquaintances, or family that are on your side because the narcissist has tinted all of them.

You may feel extremely isolated and alone, and once again, question whether you are the crazy one.

In worse scenarios, you may even lose a job, get arrested, or have some other “misfortune” due to a narcissist’s smear campaign.

Narcissists love the excitement and drama they manufacture by interfering in everyone else’s lives.

This is particularly true with their children since they’re easier to manipulate. Watching people’s lives explode is entertaining for them.

They’d create conflict out of thin air or persistently disagree with you about irrelevant things to rage over any “slight” coming from you.

They thrive off of drama so whenever you try to make a point that even slightly goes against their ridiculous claims, you’re giving them ammo.


Narcissists take advantage and use people to serve their own gains and ambitions. All they know is that they want what they want and will do anything to achieve it.

If your parent has ever done something for you, they’ll constantly remind you to get some sort of repayment. If they ever made an agreement with you, it’ll be violated once it no longer served their needs.

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