Jake Grenvik - Junkie snitch
6 years ago
On person
Category Vent

Your years of drug use has made you despicable. Heroin addict meth anything you get your hands on and it doesn't matter the cost. You have stolen tens of thousands of dollars in property to feed your addiction. You took it too far when you could not even own up to the things you've done you simply pointed fingers to other addicts to save yourself. You have given over 30 names to the siskiyou county DA. That makes you a SNITCH .

More Sniitches About Jake Grenvik

Junkie snitch
6 years ago person
Works with DA
6 years ago person

Comments About Jake Grenvik

Snitch, Snitch your bunghole has an itch.Jake also freebases farts &- blows dead horses
Jan 13 2018 06:42 AM

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