George Goodie Aka Cowboy - Conartist Thief Drug Dealer & Seller Works With Crooked Cops

This Man Is So Bad That He Is A NON Stopping Constantly Lying Drug Dealing Conartist. After coning you in beleiving that he can do any job around or towards your home He looks for what you have of selling value and breaks into your home once you leave for work. Help with the cops is laugh in the face because they only care if the drugs are in a bust that they have been working on so that they don't have to do any really investigating into the victims true crime. Steals from family member and friends while lying low from drug dealer that he is supplied drug until another dealer is stupid to believe the lies and offer him their services. What a croc this my as has man as had numerous drug bust with him holding and using drugs red hand but let going. This is a man that can not be trusted by cops nor by anyone else in our area.

Comments About George Goodie Aka Cowboy

What a character!
Sep 11 2008 04:38 PM

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