Gene Wolfenbarger - My observation on what I see!
12 years ago
On person
Category Religion

I been going to this church "The Gathering" for almost 2 years and I noticed that the Pastor and the wife didn't know who I was after 2 years of going. It bothered me so I call to make an appointment to met Pastor Gene Wolfenbarger and the staff told me will be two months before there an opening to see him. Another time I was setting in the front row center on the Wednesday night, Gene Wolfenbarger, starting to walk to the center aisle and then he noticed me, stop and turn around and went to a far left and greeted somebody else. That's why i left the gathering because the pastor doesn't love his flock. If the assistant Pastor Dave Z, ever took Gene's place as a pastor I will come back. He truely has a love of God and love his people.

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Comments About Gene Wolfenbarger

I thoroughly agree with you. He seems so picky about who he talks to and makes a big deal about talking to them. He won't acknowledge me either. So we are gone also.
Dec 06 2011 09:52 AM
Why in the world would anyone 'make an appointment' simply to 'meet' the pastor, of any church? Pastor Gene and Karen visibly place themselves in the lobby, usually after every service greeting newcomers and members alike. They frequently have newcomer luncheons so folks can get to know them. They're available to chat with at just about every church function. They hold small group bible studies in their own home for whoever would like to join in...and "pastor doesn't love his flock"!? Seems to me you have had many opportunities over the past two years to meet both Pastor and his wife. To publicly post such accusations against him and his wife is an abomination.
Dec 14 2011 09:41 PM
Did you say that pastor gene has small group bible studies in his house open to anybody who would like to join? You're lying. Not everybody is welcome to join his small groups. I don't know why anybody in the world would 'make an appointment' to 'meet' anybody at the church either, unless they want to be around a bunch of arrogant assh****. The fact that gene has a 'following' at all is an abomination.
Dec 25 2011 08:20 PM
I thoroughly agree with the person who started this sniitch. I have had Gene do the same thing to me; plus some of his chosen few have done that as well. And he is very loud and verbal when he acknowledges someone in public. My wife wanted to try Gene's church again so I agreed. After seven Sundays in row of preaching for money, my wife agreed that it is time to leave. I guess the church is in financial trouble. I drove around the church the other day and noticed a Tahoe outside the lower level with high dollar wheels. (Wow, over two grand just for glam.) By the way, none of my statements are accusations; they are facts.
Jan 09 2012 10:22 AM
PTL! You must have resolved your issues with Pastor Gene! Sounds like you're pretty tight with him now to know how much he paid for those 'high dollar wheels' on his 'Tahoe outside the lower level.'...and that's a fact!
Feb 10 2012 09:44 PM
I've been going there for awhile now, I would guess on and of starting in October and pretty strong now since March maybe April. My best advice to those of you that think Gene doesn't have time for you, remember he is just one man, and he is not the God that you need to be seeking. Now if your goal is to become a bigger part of the church than go see David Zavona, David May, David Mac gees there are a lot of David's there. Or you can go see Jeff Williams, Dan Tilley, and Andrew Rup. These people are there just about every day of the week and are the most welcoming people you will ever meet. I have volunteered at the church a lot and often just show up looking for something to do, so I know that these people are at the church almost every day working on something so if you are interested in helping please come on by the doors open at 9:00am Monday - Thursday and around 6:00am on Sunday. If you want someone to notice you do something to get noticed. I don't think my helping out means that much but I have been graciously thanked several times by Karen and Gene for the help that I have given. - Guy
May 26 2012 11:30 AM
he's a crook - open your eyes.
Jun 04 2013 05:35 AM
david Travis, darren Wigington, all three are good friends. The good ole boy preachers hold secret meetings, friends with Ronnie and other county scum. Travis' son is weird and works walmart in sevierville. It is interesting to note that these three ministers have one thing in common. Their families love a good church show. Yet dont like to get to really know the sheep they crap all over. They can be nice, but so what. Every business kisses the behinds of these men.
Jan 03 2014 12:45 AM

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