Cherie Christiansen - Snitch Bit**

Snitched on her husband for meth, Jake Haggerty for motorcycle theft, Christopher Donnelly for bank fraud * motorcycle theft * meth, Matthew Keith for drugs

Comments About Cherie Christiansen

Any relation to Stevie Christensen? Also a complusive snitcher. She's been posted on this site a couple times for far exceeding what's necessary to get more than a few of her unlucky "friends" and "associates" to take a fall so she can keep herself from having to take responsibility for her own sh**. You don't even want to know this one because if your name is on her tongue she'll do her best to set you up for crimes that never even happened and the cops LOOOOVE that bit** more than a chocolate donut with sprinkles. Lol
Oct 25 2018 01:44 PM

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